“I’ve felt deep, deep sadness this week for the 19 million women and girls across the earth in Afghanistan. Eleven million women in America head back to college in the coming weeks and 144 women sit in our U.S. Capitol leading our country. Sadly, the women now ruled by the Taliban face a sudden and horrifying shift in their lives that we can’t fathom here.”
Heidi’s Latest Columns
Denver Gazette: Crime, chaos are overtaking Colorado
“The NextDoor dings on my phone have been more frequent this year. The swoosh of my Ring app joins the occasion. These high-tech versions of the old ‘neighborhood watch’ can raise our awareness, but also our blood pressure.”
Denver Gazette: State government and its CEO are failing us
“I get it, it’s hard to keep up with the news these days. But some stories are too important to let slide. And this is one. In late June, Ben Markus at Colorado Public Radio reported a nursing home scandal — not in New York but right here in Colorado.”
Denver Gazette: ‘Rescue’ puppy mills betray dog-loving public
“After the pandemic puppy rush of 2020, our shelters and rescues are full again. And there is a dirty little secret that’s not so secret in the animal-rescue community about why it’s happening. It’s nicknamed ‘retail rescue.'”
Denver Gazette: Empower students — lower the cost of college
“These days, it’s hard to have a genuine, comprehensive conversation about how best to solve problems plaguing our state and country. Then, things often get “wonky” when you actually try to explain your ideas.”
Denver Gazette: The promise of college has fallen flat
“If you live and work in Colorado, America’s eighth-most expensive state to live in, you typically need a college degree to get by. Seventy-four percent of all jobs here require it.”
Denver Gazette: Colorado’s leading indicators point to challenges
“Earlier this week, in a listing of top states for business, CNBC ranked Colorado eighth. Colorado received accolades for our tech-savvy workforce. In fact, our second-highest-rated workforce weighted our score high enough to catapult us into the top two.”
Denver Gazette: Trust us to look out for each other
“Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the chance to visit some of the most beautiful and unique towns in Colorado. We’ve been towing the Heidi’s Colorful Colorado podcast trailer, which I affectionately call Betty Jean, after my late adventurous grandma, across the worn out highways, bumpy dirt roads and gorgeous, but steep, mountain passes.”
Denver Gazette: Colorado drops out of the jobs race
“This week Douglas County was named one of the healthiest counties in America. Headlines across Colorado and the nation touted the ranking by US News and World Report.”
Denver Gazette: Refocus public ed on what matters for kids
“My family didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up, but I got a lot of love, encouragement and inspiration. I also got a good education because my folks were willing to sacrifice to make that happen. I got a scholarship to go to college; I got a shot to start a business doing what I love because I was surrounded by folks who believed in me.”